You Are Kind.

One of the most unexpected and memorable compliments I got this year at CACCLC is: you are kind. Me? Kind? Never in my head did I ever even imagine someone describing me as kind. Never. Sarcastic, honest, responsible, yes. Kind? No.

The comment was made during a workshop, and of course, I almost laughed out loud when I heard this – I’m sure it woke up a few other people who were dozing off too. I couldn’t help but smile a bit on the inside because I knew it’s a very rare phrase that I may never hear directed at me again.

I even went up to the workshop speaker afterwards and told him how shocked I was when I heard the words come out of his mouth. We agreed that maybe he just doesn’t know me well enough yet, but deep inside, I was so honored to be called kind and am glad that his impression of me is kind and not anything else.

Thinking back at all the interactions we’ve had, it all seemed pretty basic – welcoming him when he arrived, making sure he is settled and has everything he needs, getting to know him more through the short walks from building to building, and just checking in with him here and there. Maybe the key to being kind is to just not do or say too much (so they don’t get to know the “unkind” side of you)!

If I had to name one of the highlights of CACCLC this year, this would definitely be on the top of the list. This truly genuine and simple compliment made my day (and week) and I will remember it for as long as I can. At the very least, I’ll remember it every time I read my affirmations from this year again.