Walking Into The Next Step

Very exciting news – I have finally retired my Fitbit this past week! It has been exactly two years since I’ve walked at least 10,000 steps every day. Every. Single. Day. It was my 2020 goal to walk 10,000 steps a day and I had started on January 1, 2020, but unfortunately, I missed my goal by just under 1,300 steps on January 25.

That didn’t keep me from giving up though. I decided to “restart” and continue my step goal until January 25th of the following year, 2021. Even though I had gotten a new watch that can also track my steps (and heart rate!) in mid 2020, I had grown to like the Fitbit app so much that I didn’t want to say goodbye. My solution? Wear both watches.

I would always get questions about why I wore two watches, and every time, I would retell my story of how much I love the Fitbit app. Of course, the longer I kept my Fitbit, the more data I had stored in there, and the less I wanted to give it up. January 25, 2021 came and went, and still, my two watches journey continued.

A few months ago, the battery life of my Fitbit started getting worse, causing me to walk some extra steps just to make sure the app captures my 10,000 steps – and that was how I finally made the decision to retire my Fitbit on January 25, 2022. It doesn’t mean I’ll stop walking 10,000 steps a day (I still have my “new” watch!), but at least now I won’t get funny looks from people for wearing two watches!