To Cap It All Off

The school year is coming to an end, and besides worrying about finals, you also have to think about how to decorate your graduation cap. You’ve seen photos of some pretty cool looking caps, but this is your chance to really share with everyone what you find meaningful or important in your life. 

For my cap, I decided to put a quote that I’ve had sitting in a picture frame on my desk the past few years:

In life, it’s not where you go – it’s who you travel with.

Charles M. Schulz

This quote is applicable not only to travel, but also with who you eat, work, and hang out with. You can be at the happiest place on earth, but if the people around you are giving you a rough time, you will most definitely not be happy.

Whenever someone asks me if I want to go somewhere, one of the first few questions I’d ask is, who else is going? Unless the activity is something I absolutely do not want to do, then I’d likely go if my friends are going (and if the time works out) – it’s all about spending some quality time with your favorite people. Of course, there’s always room to make new friends, but the introvert in me will have to weigh the risks before making a decision.

No matter where you are in life, surround yourself with people you want to be with, people who bring you joy, and most importantly, friends who make you a better person. Together, you can overcome difficult challenges and create memorable experiences.

What’s on your graduation cap?