With summer just around the corner, temperatures are rising! Everyone has been talking about how hot it will be next week, and I am definitely not looking forward to it. Sweat rolling down your cheeks as you eat and the sticky feeling after a short walk in the heat is not very pleasant. Although I love staying at home, it’s not the place I’d like to be during the summer. Why would you want to be at a place with little to no air conditioning on a hot day?
To avoid the heat during the day, a typical summer day looked like this as a kid:
1. Breakfast at a restaurant – Restaurants have great air conditioning. It’s not comfortable to eat in the heat, and managers wouldn’t want customers complaining about that! We would even bring our summer homework with us so that we can work on it at the restaurant if the restaurant isn’t busy. We would eat at a laid-back cafe or a fast food restaurant and spend a couple of hours there!

2. Reading at the library – What better place is there to keep a child quiet, productively reading or doing homework, and out of the heat? The library. There’s no excuse to have nothing to do when you’re at the library. Done with that book? Read another one. It’ll be enough to keep you there the entire afternoon!

3. Free movie at the theaters – Every week, theaters would feature a free movie for kids and their families. That’s almost two hours of free entertainment and air conditioning! This was one of the most exciting parts of summer, especially since going to the movie theaters was such a luxury as a kid!

4. Swimming lessons – Not only is swimming a great skill to have, but it’s also a great way to cool down! You can even get in some exercise while you’re at it.

5. Costco – Who doesn’t love Costco? I could probably spend a whole day there if I had the time. There’s so many cool things to see, free samples, and the dairy section is the place to be on a hot summer day – you’ll be sure to forget about the heat! If you don’t have a Costco membership (how could you not?), a grocery store would also do the trick.

What’s your plan to deal with the summer heat?