The Sound Of The Bell

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding! It’s 7:15am and I am all dressed and ready for my steps. I had already made my way to the other side of campus to walk some people over to the main area, but now it is time to wake everyone up!

I walked by all the doors and rang the handbell as loud as I possibly could. One person walked out and gave me the side-eye as I cheerfully wished him a good morning. Others gave me the “oh, it’s you again” look as they walked by. Yup. It’s me. Ringing the bell to wake you all up.

As I approached the portables, I waited until I got on the ramp to start ringing again. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding! I walked around the patio area, and when my eyes passed the windows and finally started to focus, instead of seeing my reflection, I saw someone sitting on the couch staring right back at me. My heart almost jumped out.

I took a break from ringing the bell after making my first round, but seeing that the gathering spot was still quite empty, I had to go make a round 2 of ringing the bell. Here I go again!

As fun as it is to ring the bell, it was also quite tiring. I tried looking for the most efficient way to use as little energy as possible while creating the loudest sound as I could, and it was definitely using the wrist or even just fingers that worked best. Am I a professional bell ringer yet? Maybe after a bit more practice!