The Sentence That Made My Week

My friend and I were messaging each other one day (we only talk once every few weeks), and as our (my) stories got longer, we decided to schedule a call for another day to chat and catch-up. This is probably my one friend who would actually schedule a call just to catch-up and also one of the few catch-ups over a call that I know I would enjoy. 

We scheduled the video call for the following week (I can’t believe I had to wait a whole week!), which turned out to be great timing because I was able to gather even more stories to share. I didn’t think too much about what to talk about, but we pretty much ended up talking about everything – event planning, retreats, weddings, work, covid, life, etc. We could’ve gone on for hours, but unfortunately, we were only able to squeeze in an hour and a half before bedtime hit.

We wrapped up our conversation, but right before hanging up, my friend surprised me with a few words of affirmation:

Before dropping off, I just wanted to say…you’re doing a great job and don’t let people tell you otherwise. 

I was speechless as my brain tried processing what was happening as quickly as possible and my face started beaming with joy. I did not expect that at all. It was such a memorable moment, and what made it even more meaningful was how genuine and thoughtful the compliment was. 

Our catch-up became the highlight of my week! Not only did we spend quality time together, but the catch-up also ended with words of affirmation – my two highly ranked love languages. So when’s the next catch-up going to be?