The Rushed Man Who Waited

I was walking out of a parking garage when a random guy popped out of nowhere and walked quickly past me. Where did this guy come from? He must be in such a rush!

He was tall and dressed in business attire, carrying a bag around his shoulder over his suit. I continued walking, not too far behind, but not quite catching up either. As he walked by a tree well, he turned his head and spit on the sidewalk. Ew! Why did he spit on the sidewalk? I kept my distance.

As we approached the building I was heading to, I watched him enter the same building. I started slowing down. Even though there were a few set of elevators, I didn’t want to risk being in the same elevator – I always hate it when someone else in the elevator has to wait for me to get off if they are going to a higher floor, and this guy was already in such a rush!

I entered the building and saw him wait for the elevators I needed to take. I slowed down even more. He stepped into the elevator just as I turned the corner to wait for the elevators. Whew, I just missed him.

I patiently waited for the sound of the elevator doors to close before pressing the button. A few seconds passed, but I did not hear the sound. A head popped out of the elevator. It was the rushed guy.

“Are you going up?”

My face turned red. I thought he was in such a rush he would have pushed his floor and gone up – but he didn’t. He was waiting…for me.

I got in the elevator and rode up. It felt like the longest elevator ride ever. Not only did he have to wait for me to get in the elevator, he also had to wait for me to get off.