The Night Before The First Day Of School

September is always such an exciting month – because October, November, and December are just around the corner! (Sorry September!) There is so much to look forward to with all the holidays and events coming up, and as much as I like the thought of summer, I would much prefer the nice breeze and chilliness as I stroll outside.

Aside from the highly anticipated weather and holidays, September is also the month when school starts. (All the schools starting in August? That’s so ridiculous!) I remember that feeling I’d get every year the night before the first day of school. There’s a lot of excitement, but at the same time, a bit of nervousness. What’s there to think about?

  • Who will be in my class?
    Every year, you’re in a room with different classmates. You know some of them already, but there’s still some you’ve never talked to. Especially in elementary school, the people who are in your class become your friends for the year since you spend 6 hours together every day and get released for recess and lunch together. You may see some other old classmates during the breaks, but it’s just not the same as hanging out with the people from your class.
  • Which seat will I be assigned?
    There’s always the dreaded seat in the front and the fun corner in the back farthest from the teacher’s desk. The best seat is somewhere in the middle of the classroom, where you don’t have to squint your eyes to see the whiteboard, or you’re not stuck at the side where you can only read half the board clearly. Plus, you’re less likely to get chosen since you’re hidden among the rest of your classmates. Just don’t wear a bright pink jacket. Whoever you end up sitting next to in class is also important – that’s who you can talk and make jokes to during class!
  • Where are my classrooms?
    By the time you’re in high school, you’re no longer stuck in the same classroom the entire day. In middle school, you move to different classrooms with your class, but in high school, it’s a different class every period. You’re on your own. The high school campus is also much bigger, so there’s always this fear of not being able to find your classroom in time before the bell rings on the first day of school. You don’t want to be that kid who is tardy on the first day!
  • Who do I hang out with at lunch?
    Every year, you make more and more friends and then you face this dilemma of not being able to decide who to eat with for lunch! I guess you could do a different friend group every day, but it’s just not the same – you’ll be that friend who doesn’t hang out with them enough!
  • Will I get homework on the first day of school?
    Real homework assignments on the first day of school are the worst! The usual “homework” you would get is to fill out all your emergency cards and make sure you have all the supplies you need for class, but sometimes, teachers do give you problems to do and you’ll have to say good-bye to your after-school plans with your friends. What happened to having fun the entire first week of school?

What do you think about?