The New Office Adventure

It’s time to say good-bye to the unbearable heat and the cockroaches! After a week of working from home, the new (“temporary”) office is all set up and ready to go. I moved just a couple blocks away, and it’s a lot closer to the shopping centers and a food court. Is the location much better? Eh, it’s actually dirtier on this side of town.

The first day was quite an adventure. I woke up extra early so I could find the parking structure. I had already looked up the structure I wanted to park at, but since I’ve never been there, I knew I would need some extra time to find it. I plugged in the address on Google Maps and followed the directions, but when I got close to the location on the map, the entrance was nowhere to be seen. I kept driving and tried making a right turn, but little did I know, it was a one-way!

I made my way back to the way I came from and drove around the block. I looked for the entrance again. There was only one parking structure that I saw, but it looked nothing like the one I wanted to park at. I turned in anyway to check it out. The daily maximum was over $30! There’s absolutely no way I’m parking here.

I safely backed out of the parking structure and tried coming up with a new plan. Should I park back at the old parking lot? It would be such a far walk. I suddenly remembered there was a center nearby with a parking structure that was also not too expensive. I decided to try it. Up and up I drove up the structure, and as I got to the top, I bumped into my coworker! What a coincidence.

We parked right next to each other, and continued on the search for our new office. We were one of the first to arrive. We toured the entire office and checked out the offices and the views. We were so high up! We found our desks and unfortunately, we are seated so far apart – I’m stuck in an office, and he’s stuck in the super exposed cubes!

The restroom is also in the most inconvenient spot. Every time you have to go, you have to walk by the guy who sits right in front of the restroom. His cube walls are so low there is literally no way he doesn’t know who’s going in the restroom no matter what direction you’re coming from. I don’t know which is worse – having to sit in front of the restroom or knowing that this person could be counting how many times you’ve gone and for how long.

The space itself is another story – dusty with uncleaned carpets! The number of sneezes I heard in a single day was too many to count, and the air conditioning definitely did not meet expectations. We had to set up three electric fans in just my office (as if two fans in the old building was not enough) in addition to using my hand fan! All we can do now is hope that the heat and cockroaches didn’t follow us from the old building.

On the bright side, the snacks are back at Trader C’s! It was pretty difficult getting this set up again and we had to go through a few setups due to the lack of storage space and usable carts and tables, but it is now ready for people to stop by! I’ll have to see if it is worth investing more into this snack corner, but we’ll see how it goes in the upcoming weeks!

An adventurous week? Indeed, it was.