The Lane Not Taken

My heart was beating fast as my hands gripped onto the steering wheel tightly. What in the world did I just see?

I was driving on the freeway in the rightmost lane as I entered a ramp. I should cut into the left lane whenever I get a chance, I thought in my head. I needed to be in the inside lanes later anyway, and I knew there might be traffic once I was off the ramp which would make it difficult to change lanes. I checked my rear view and side mirrors and turned on the left turn signal. I turned my head quickly to look over my shoulder for any other cars. All clear.

I started steering to the left, and as my head faced the front of my car again, I saw the car in front of me in the rightmost lane switch to the left lane abruptly. There was someone dancing in the middle of the rightmost lane with their belly revealed.

My heart started beating fast. I got so lucky, I thought. Had I waited to switch lanes, I probably would’ve hit that person as I was looking back to check for cars. Had I waited to switch lanes, I might not have been able to react and step on the brakes in time. Had I waited to switch lanes, my car might not have been able to stop in time with the speed I was going at. My life would’ve been turned upside down. I got so lucky. Hopefully all the cars after me were able to spot the person in time to avoid hitting her.

Who would’ve thought that there would be someone dancing in the middle of the freeway? One of the main reasons I love driving on the freeway is because I don’t have to worry about pedestrians running out across the road – but that doesn’t seem like the case anymore.

Check out the video footage below taken from my dash cam!

Since this incident, I’ve learned to look even further ahead down the road when driving, and especially when I am about to change lanes. You just never know what you’ll find on the freeway. Stay safe out there, drivers!