The Joy of Grocery Shopping

From planning meals to walking through every aisle and comparing the prices of items at different stores, grocery shopping can easily take up the whole day (or week)! Here’s my extra complicated grocery shopping process:

  1. Think about what to eat – Something quick, easy, and not too pricey is the goal! There are so many great recipes to try, and it’s just a matter of whether you’re ready to make something new!
  2. Check out the prices at the grocery store – Make sure everything fits within your budget! Write down the prices or take a photo, and make a note of when the deals begin and end! You’ll be able to get so many steps as you walk through the store too – if your watch actually counts the steps you take while pushing a shopping cart.
  3. Finalize your meals – After checking the prices, revisit your meal plan and adjust accordingly. Maybe you found another cool ingredient on sale at the store and now you want to cook something else!
  4. Buy your ingredients – Compare the prices at different stores to lower your expenses even more! It’s always great when you find a nice deal right?
  5. Cook your meal! – After all that fun hard work, enjoy your meal!

How do you like to grocery shop?