Sushi Kashiba

Sushi Kashiba was started by Chef Shiro Kashiba who is an apprentice of Chef Jiro Ono, the world’s greatest sushi chef! I learned of Chef Jiro after reading this blog post about the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. This documentary leaves your mouth watering and you craving for sushi! So of course, I had to make a reservation at Sushi Kashiba when I had the chance.

We made a reservation for Sushi Kashiba two months in advance – right when the reservation window opened!

I ordered the Omakase – the chef’s choice sushi dinner! We also ordered sake and hot tea with our meal.

First up, appetizers!

A delicious handroll:

Our server Jordan showed us how to eat nigiri using our fingers! It was definitely a new experience.

As we were eating, we saw Chef Shiro working behind the bar seating area, wishing we could be sitting over there.

We finished off the meal with miso soup and the egg that Chef Shiro spent two years perfecting!

At the end of the meal, we asked Jordan if he could give us a list of everything we ate that evening, and he was nice enough to write it out right in front of us! Jordan also asked if we had watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and of course, we got so excited when we responded yes!

The food was amazing, Jordan was super nice and friendly, and at the end, Jordan even brought Chef Shiro over to say hi to us! He walked straight to us at the end of his shift. It was like meeting a celebrity and we were so happy. Chef Shiro even took a photo with us, and posed with a thumbs up!

I can’t wait to go back!