It’s been a couple of years since going to RE Congress at the Anaheim Convention Center, but going again brings back some great memories! It was definitely a very different experience than previous years, but still as good as I remember it to be.
Due to the pandemic, there were fewer vendors in the exhibition hall, but that also meant it was way less crowded which was great. The hall never got too packed, and with fewer participants, there was also more opportunities to check out each vendor. Since I was helping out at booth, I didn’t end up going to any of the workshops but got to meet a lot of people and tell them about CACCLC. Everyone at the other booths were very friendly too, and one even recommended a book that I’ve trying to find for the longest time – and gave it to me for free! It was a very nice surprise. The Mass choir sounded beautiful, and always one of the things I look forward to the most!
Overall, it was another great year of RE Congress!