Questions for C: What’s The Most Fun Way To Exercise?

What’s the most fun way to exercise?

  1. Walking – I love walking. Ten thousand steps a day is my goal, and as long as it involves walking to see nice views or walking in front of the TV, it’s fun for me! When I am traveling, if my destination is not that far (less than around 20 minutes), then I would rather walk there than take the bus or train. There is so much to see on foot, and you can take your time admiring the things around you rather than just zipping right through them! Of course, I would take lots of pictures on the way, and especially in the hot and humid weather, you can get a good sweat from your walk! The best part about walking is how you can do it any time and anywhere – during lunch, around the office, and even in front of the TV!
  2. Badminton – Badminton is so much fun and is a great group activity! All you need is 1-3 other people, and you can play a game. The birdie that you hit can come at you pretty fast, so you can also practice your reaction and reflexes! It’s a bit more effort (and cost) to find an indoor court to play on, but it’s worth the fun!
  3. Pickleball – More and more people are learning about pickleball! Pickleball is easy to learn and play with friends, and if you have some tennis background, you’ll pick it up pretty quickly! You can usually find outdoor pickleball courts at parks, or you can create your own on a tennis court! If you’re looking for some cool swag for your next pickleball tournament, I just got some stickers from lolpickleballclub on Etsy for my friend who plays pickleball and she loved them – hopefully lolpickleballclub will release more sticker characters soon!
  4. Table Tennis – Table tennis is another fun sport to easily pick up! You can buy a ping pong table and set it up in your house and play it whenever you want to take a break. Don’t be fooled by the size of the table – you can end up sweating quite a bit going after the ball!
  5. Bowling – Picking up a bowling ball over and over again can be quite tiring, but you’re also building muscles at the same time! If you want to make it more challenging, practice bowling on both hands so that you can get stronger and better on both arms!