Quality Sharing For Quality Friendships

There’s a special connection between you and each of your friends. Your experiences together make your relationship with each friend unique and is what sets your acquaintances and close friends apart. We all have different ways of defining what it means to be a close friend, and for some people, a close friend is someone who you can trust, truly cares about you, and can have an honest unfiltered conversation with you. It might not be the easiest to find close friends like this, but you don’t need to have many – just one or two is enough.

In a conversation with one of my close friends, we decided one day to do a fun activity where we would share the 5 best and 5 worst qualities for each other. We gave each other a week to think about it (it’s some serious thinking) before exchanging our list of qualities – with examples too, of course!

It was definitely a very interesting experience. Not only do you get to learn about what your friend thinks about you, but it can also reveal how well they know you. With the good qualities, you might even be in for a little surprise if your friend tells you one you didn’t know you had! One good quality that I didn’t expect was that when I care about something, I am super passionate about it. It’s not one of the usual qualities you might hear like being responsible or hardworking, but a quality that you might not know about me unless you’ve interacted with me outside of my daily responsibilities like school or work.

The even more important qualities to pay attention to are the bad qualities – these are the qualities that you can make yourself more aware of to become a better person. What makes these bad qualities? Where did these bad qualities come from?  These questions can help you start off in the right direction in becoming the best version of yourself. One of the bad qualities I have is I don’t like speaking up for myself directly and would rather complain behind the scenes. This could lead to missed opportunities and mislead people to think that I agree! 

Try this out with some of your friends this National Friendship Day! It will be a rewarding experience that will bring you and your friends even closer.