Noodle Art 一面之缘 (Monterey Park)

Noodle Art, 一面之缘. What a creative name! I visited Noodle Art for an early lunch for the very first time. It is one of the few places that is open before 11am and that I haven’t been to before. Although I’ve been wanting to try this place, I never actually looked up what specific item to order here, so I didn’t really know what to expect.

Noodle Art is Chinese restaurant located in a busy strip mall, but it was still easy enough to find a parking spot. There was nobody inside the restaurant when we arrived, probably because it was still pretty early. I can’t imagine having this type of food at 9:30am when they open! One of the staff popped out of nowhere and told us to sit wherever we want. She handed us the menu.

There are a lot of options on the menu, but I was too scared to take my time looking at all of them. The lady was standing right next to our table, waiting to take our order. Even when our party was discussing what we were thinking of getting, she immediately jumped in and said, That one? Okay, and added it to her tablet. I honestly would have ordered more things if I got to look through the menu more carefully and discuss what to order.

We ordered three dishes:

  • 涼皮 Cold Noodle with Chili Oil
  • 牛肉燴麵 Braised Beef Stew Noodle
  • 麻辣肥腸麵 Spicy Intestines Noodle Soup

The staff then pointed us to the water machine, where you get your own water in a paper cup.

Next to the counter, there is an area with cold side dishes. You can get three vegetarian cold side dishes for $7.99, one vegetarian and two meat side dishes for $8.99, and three meat side dishes for $9.99. I always love eating these cold side dishes so I took a look at the options. I decided to get the seaweed salad, pig ear, and beef tripe. The plate was not too big, so by the time the staff started stacking the third side dish on top, it was almost falling over. I should’ve ordered the meats first so he could put more of it.

Cold Side Dishes $8.99

I really liked the beef tripe. It was sliced not too thin, and the flavor was good. The pig ear and seaweed salad were both tasty as well – I would get this combination again. I am very glad that I ordered these side dishes because otherwise, my whole meal would mainly be noodles, noodles, and more noodles!

Our noodles came out pretty quickly.

涼皮 Cold Noodle with Chili Oil $7.99

The 涼皮 Cold Noodle with Chili Oil was what I was most looking forward to. This is a dish that I typically enjoy eating because it doesn’t feel too heavy and is refreshing. I felt like the dish here was a little bit too salty, but otherwise, it was good.

牛肉燴麵 Braised Beef Stew Noodle $13.99

The 牛肉燴麵 Braised Beef Stew Noodles had a clear soup, which I think was a good choice to order since our other dishes were so strong in flavor. The noodles were thick and wide.

麻辣肥腸麵 Spicy Intestines Noodle Soup $13.99

The 麻辣肥腸麵 Spicy Intestines Noodles also had thick and wide noodles and was very spicy. It probably isn’t a good idea to have this so early in the day, but the intestines were so delicious! I would definitely get a dish with their intestines again.

I would come back to this restaurant to try some of their stir fried dishes as well next time. The cold side dishes would also be a good option for takeout if you’ve already made rice at home. The beef tripe side dish was very good, and I would get their intestines again too. I will have to think about if I want to give their Cold Noodle with Chili Oil a second try though. Next time I would go closer to lunch or dinner time so I could see if they have more customers.