New Year, New Goals?

Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year when everyone creates a list of their New Year’s resolutions – only to forget about it a few months later. A fresh start for the new year, is what we often like to say (as if we can’t make a new change later in the year). It’s good to start off on the right foot, but it’s also important to keep it up throughout the year!

I have yet to complete my 10,000 steps every day goal from last year, but I am close! Since the mid-year check-in, I’ve been able to continue with at least 10,000 steps daily, and since there was one day last year (January 25, to be exact) that I didn’t get 10,000 steps, I’ve extended my personal deadline until then. It’s probably not a huge deal, but the thought of saying I walked 10,000 steps every day for a whole year does feel good!

That’s not to say I’ll become a couch potato after January 25th. In fact, after seeing how easily achievable 10,000 steps is, it’s become second nature instead of another task on my to-do list! Here’s a snapshot of my step count for the past three years:

Walking may not be as intense as running or core workouts, but the consistency does make a difference – I’ve definitely shed some weight after all that walking!

So what’s the plan for this year? Instead of focusing on step count, I plan to level up to something a bit more active – something that gets your heart pumping. Whether it is running, doing core workouts, or going on a hike or biking, they are all great add-ons to walking! The ultimate goal is to stay active and healthy.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?