New Month, New Look

Hello November! As everyone pulls out their fall clothes and scarves and mittens and prepares to buy new clothes for the holiday season, what do I pull out? My new glasses!

I’ve had my current glasses for over two years now and I have been waiting for this moment for the longest time. I really should’ve gone to get my eyes checked earlier this year, but like with many things during the pandemic, I just kept delaying it! Luckily, my eyes are still healthy and surprisingly, my prescription didn’t change even after countless hours of staring at a screen.

As much as I liked my current pair of glasses, it was time for a new look. It always takes me the longest time to decide on a pair of glasses, and it was extra difficult this time since I had to keep my mask on as I was trying on the glasses too – who knows how it’ll look on my face without a mask? 

I made sure to look for something that’s not similar to what I was already wearing (I totally made this mistake before – I would purposely look for something similar until something clicked in my head and realized that it makes absolutely no sense to get something similar if I’m buying a new pair of glasses). I knew I wanted to switch back to using metal frames instead of plastic frames, and finally narrowed it down to 6 pairs before actually trying them on. 

Each pair of glasses made me look different. One made me look like a boy, another like the type of frames evil people from dramas wear, and another just made me look extra chubby. I wanted something more normal that also didn’t make me look like a kid.

I decided on something completely different from what I’ve ever had: a shiny rose gold metal frame with a soft hexagonal shape. Compared to my usual black frame glasses, this is quite a change! So far, it’s looking pretty good, and I can’t wait to wear this everywhere!