My Room Is My Mind

Clutter, clutter, clutter. My room is full of clutter. Junk mail that’s been thrown on my desk is piling up. Papers and printed photos are lying around on the table. Pens and pencils are scattered, folded clothes are still in the laundry basket, and the tops of surfaces just seem dusty. Walking into my room everyday, there’s this lingering feeling of incomplete tasks. There is something that still needs to be done, and my mind is restless!

To start my decluttering process, I cleaned my wardrobe. I took out all the clothes that no longer fit to make space for new ones. I wiped down my wardrobe so it now has the smell of freshness every time I open the doors. I set aside a designated space for towels and reorganized my shirts by brand. What a beautiful sight.

The junk mail was next. I went through every piece of mail and tore up all my information before throwing it out. It was quite a process, and as I was clearing my desk, more and more junk mail showed up. I started to categorize the papers and printed photos on my desk, then found them a new home. Photos went into my photo album, and cards from friends went into my binder collection of cards. I even took a break to read through some of the cards again!

With my desk cleared up, I was finally able to wipe it down. Wipe, wipe, wipe. Say good-bye to the dust! I dragged in the vacuum cleaner to do the final dust collection. It is so satisfying watching the vacuum cleaner suck up all the hair and dust in the room!

To finish things off, I reorganized the furniture in my room. I turned my desk to face the other way, moved the chairs to be right next to my bed, and straightened up all the chargers going into my extension cord. I sat down and looked around. This is perfect. My room has cleared up and so has my mind. I can now walk into my room and feel refreshed, and my room even feels bigger!

A decluttered room is a decluttered mind. Let’s see how long this lasts.