My Eyes Saw A New Optometrist

I always forget to go to the optometrist every year – I only go when it’s time to get new glasses! This year, I randomly decided to schedule my appointment (before I forget), but sadly, the doctor I usually see wasn’t available and I had to see a new optometrist!

I showed up early to my 8:30am appointment. The parking lot was still pretty empty – there were just two or three other cars, and a patient waiting outside for the doors to open. I sat in my car and waited. I should have backed up into the spot instead. I saw someone dressed in scrubs get out of their car and go inside. It was still not 8:20am yet, so I decided to wait some more since I didn’t want to stand outside in the cold.

At 8:25am, I got out and walked into the building. I got to the front desk, gave them my name, paid my copay, and someone brought me to Room 1 after squeezing me a drop of hand sanitizer. A lady walked in and started asking me how my eyes are doing and had me read the letters off the mirror. After she was done, the doctor came in soon after.

The doctor was the guy in scrubs downstairs! He looked pretty young, and he spoke so fast I didn’t actually catch his name. He did a very thorough check (in my head, I was like, oh my gosh these lights are so bright. Is he done yet???) and at one point he even asked if I’ve considered getting contacts or LASIK.

“Have you ever thought about getting contacts or LASIK?”

“No, my friend said I look terrible without glasses.”

– Random stuttering words came out of his mouth about considering contacts or LASIK so I don’t have to get glasses –

“I wouldn’t say you look terrible without glasses though…”

HAHA. I guess he didn’t expect that response. Thanks doctor. Good to know I don’t look terrible without glasses.

Luckily, my prescription didn’t change, and the measurement he was getting was actually slightly less than what my current glasses prescription is! He walked me over to the optician’s office for glasses after checking my eyes. The optician came in and introduced herself. She asked if there were any glasses I had in mind, then brought in a dozen different frames for me to try on. I asked her if the other optician still worked here, and very sadly, he didn’t – he had left in March! He was my favorite optician.

Almost all the glasses she brought in looked great. There were only three or four that I didn’t like and set aside. The rest were all good choices! I narrowed down my options to three frames. One looked similar to the ones I have now, with the hexagonal shape on the top instead of the bottom. Another was more round but still had quite a bit of surface area. The third one was thicker on the top and looked a bit less professional but still cool.

I took some photos with them, and finally decided on the round one. It was different enough from my current glasses and had a more fresh look. The optician said she really liked that pair too! She took some final measurements, charged me, and I was good to go!

I checked out at the front desk, and they asked if I wanted to schedule my appointment for next year already. Since they offered, I was like, Sure, why not? Now I don’t have to remember to schedule one.

Although this visit took much longer than my usual visits (45 minutes!), this was quite a fun visit! The doctor was very nice and thorough, and the optician was fun to talk to too! I can’t wait for my next visit…in a year!