
My first time at KazuNori was a spontaneous decision – but a good one. I was seated at the bar, and I carefully looked through the menu. Just like Sugarfish, there were set menus! That made choosing much easier. I went for the 6-Hand Roll which had toro, yellowtail, salmon, bay scallop, crab, and lobster! I was so excited.

Toro Hand Roll

The toro hand roll tasted just like the one from Sugarfish – delicious!

Yellowtail Hand Roll

The yellowtail hand roll definitely surprised me. It was so good that it became my favorite roll of the meal!

Salmon Hand Roll

The salmon hand roll tasted as I expected, but I would also be fine going with the 5-Hand Roll option which doesn’t include the salmon hand roll.

Bay Scallop Hand Roll

I was also not a huge fan of the bay scallop hand roll. There was a bit too much sauce for me, but my friend absolutely loved it. I did go back again and got the same roll, and it tasted better the second time so maybe I just got some extra sauce the first time!

Crab Hand Roll

Another yummy roll that I loved. The crab hand roll is my favorite at Sugarfish, but the yellowtail hand roll was so outstanding I don’t know if I can still say the crab hand roll is my favorite!

Lobster Hand Roll

To wrap up the meal, here’s the lobster hand roll! It was a nice way to end the meal.

Every roll came out very quickly one after another, so it seemed like there was always a roll in front of you! Here were my favorite, ranked:

  1. Yellowtail
  2. Crab
  3. Toro
  4. Lobster
  5. Bay Scallop
  6. Salmon

National Hand Roll Day is coming up on July 6th – is it time to go back for more hand rolls?