I’m Craving…Food at the Costco Food Court!

You can’t deny how yummy the food at Costco’s food court is. Conveniently located right inside/outside the warehouse, it’s a great place to grab your lunch or dinner before heading home!

You’re at Costco right now? Here’s my order!

All Beef Hot Dog

Favorite item to order at the food court? The hot dog! I used to love their Polish dog even more, but I guess all they have now is the All Beef Hot Dog. I like to add ketchup, relish, and onions on top! For only $1.50, the hot dog + drink (with free refills!) combo is such a good deal!

Combo Pizza

A slice of Costco’s combo pizza is enough to satisfy my pizza cravings! Every bite is loaded with toppings and cheesy yumminess, and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and crushed red pepper completes my pizza. The affordable whole Costco pizza is perfect for any party!

Chicken Caesar Salad

When I’m in the mood for it, Costco’s Chicken Caesar Salad is a great lunch option. Pour in the dressing, shake up your salad, and let that tomato explode in your mouth! (Note: Make sure your lid is sealed shut before you start shaking.)

Açai Bowl

The Açai Bowl is a refreshing snack, perfect for a hot summer day. I would usually share this with someone if I get it – it’s a pretty big bowl for just one person!

Their chicken bake is not something I usually order, mainly because the pizza dough is so thick it makes me extra full afterwards. Plus, there’s already enough competition with the hot dog and combo pizza! Churros for dessert? That reminds me of my childhood – we would always get one for the whole family to share!

What do you usually order?