Great Expectations

“There will always be people who are smarter than you, people who are more successful than you, and people who are just better than you.” That’s something I’ve heard since the beginning of time. It’s not discouraging as some may think, but rather, an incentive to work even harder to be just average and not fail. Over time, it’s developed into a habit of doing the best I can on everything to compensate for my shortcomings. Ironically, this has made me seem like a perfectionist with high expectations.

I don’t expect things to turn out perfect (there’s always room for improvement), but why not just double check something before you submit it? Small careless mistakes like having one or two typos here and there don’t seem like a big deal, but seeing one typo makes you think there will be others. An obvious mistake that you could’ve easily caught can make others lose trust in your work. If there’s still time before your deadline, why not look through your work one more time? 

Expectations come from knowing what you want or need to produce. You can shoot a video at all the best angles, but if the editing is choppy or the music transitions abruptly, it takes your audience away from your main focus. We’ve all seen good videos, but it’s the great videos that keep people talking. It’s worth the extra time and effort to edit your video to be even better, or at least something that you yourself will enjoy watching over and over, because a product not enjoyed by your audience ultimately becomes both a waste and a waste of time.

Whether you’re completing a task for work or striving towards your personal goals, expecting more of yourself in everything you do sets you up for success – something that we all want. It’s not about becoming a perfectionist, but knowing that you’ve put your best effort into producing quality work. Doing the bare minimum is acceptable, but with just a bit more effort, you can turn something that’s just okay into something great – and that extra little effort is what sets you apart. Take it one step at a time, and don’t settle for average.