Fruits In My Little World

Even if I gathered together with everyone I know, I don’t think we’d be able to name all the fruits in the world. There are so many fruits and so many ways to eat them! In my little world, these are some of the most common fruits that would appear:


Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith. I prefer it sliced. There was a time in Outdoor Science School when we had to eat an entire apple (including the core, seeds, and stem) in order to get a stamp! It was an interesting experience.


Add some sugar on top, or turn it into guac. My second grade teacher had a guacamole making activity in class one time – it was very fun and easy to make!


A few slices in my cereal would be perfect! I’d also like a banana smoothie or a banana drink.


Frozen blueberries make a great and healthy snack! I wouldn’t mind it in my acai bowl too.


Not a huge fan, but I hope the cantaloupe you chose is sweet! Have you tried smelling it?


Let’s just say I’d rather not have a cherry on top. I like to keep my cherries separate.


Coconut mochi, coconut almonds, or fresh coconut water? I’ll have it all!


Fresh cranberry juice isn’t seen in my house as often, but one of the juices I like more!


I would like my cucumbers on the side please! It reminds me of my favorite place to have salad


I’ve always thought dragonfruits were extra rare and special (it has the word “dragon” in it), but I’ve had it quite a few times! It was one of the cooler looking fruits in Restaurant City, if you’ve ever played that.


Fresh durian, durian mochi, durian chips, durian ice cream…what other durian items are there? I have yet to try them all! Maybe I can smell my way to the next durian experience?


Seedless grapes is the way to go. My favorite is probably the Cotton Candy grapes, but as long as the grapes are seedless, I will keep putting them in my mouth!


I don’t remember ever having guava fruit, but I’ve definitely had guava juice! It is so refreshing and will make your day even better than before!


If I had to choose between a green kiwi and a golden kiwi, I’d go for the golden kiwi. Apart from the juice overflowing as I scoop out the flesh, it is one of my favorite to eat!


I wouldn’t eat a lemon by itself, but I love it for lemon iced tea, lemon water, and of course, lemon bars!


If you’ve never had lychee ice cream, you’ve got to stop by Fosselman’s to try it! I like buying a whole tub to share with my friends.


Get ready to draw a grid on your mango! How do you like to eat your mango?


My world used to be just apples and oranges before all these other fruits showed up. Orange juice is much better than apples juice though.


The smooth and juicy texture of peaches is something to love. I don’t eat it often, but when I do have it, I make sure to enjoy it!


Pears used to show up in my world a lot more often, but recently, it’s been hiding. They have a cute shape and remind me of apples – I’ve always thought of them as cousins!


Pineapples are for special occasions. Its appearance makes it look super fancy, so you won’t find one lying around in my house. I love it on my pizza and grilled during KBBQ, but the best is when there’s pineapple and sausage kabobs at a party.


If I had to choose a favorite fruit, the first answer that would come to my mind is strawberries. They smell and taste great, but it’s sometimes hard to find the perfect strawberry to eat – it’s a hit or miss. Can it still be my favorite if I don’t like every strawberry I eat though?


Cherry tomatoes are pretty fun to just pop in your mouth…when you are very hungry. If not, I’d rather have my tomatoes in a different form…like spaghetti sauce!


Whenever it’s summertime, I’m craving for some watermelon. There’s always a lot of watermelons to choose from at the store, but only a few that are actually good. Make sure to knock on it and check its bottom!

What fruits are in your world?