Driven Out Of Control

SCREEEECHHHH! I looked around. Where was that sound coming from?

BAM! BAM! BAM! I stared from the back seat as the cars in the fast lane next to me hit each other and sent pieces of their cars flying everywhere. One car spun in circles inches away before finally slowing down and backed towards the car I was in. My eyes got bigger and bigger as it got closer and closer. Time stopped, and so did the car. It stopped moving half an inch away from my car.

My car of three froze. Did we get hit?

The drivers and passengers in the other three cars got out of their cars. All of their cars looked bad. Tires and bumpers were gone, headlights were shattered, and windows were cracked. We jumped out of our car to see if everyone was okay. There were car parts and red liquid all over the floor, but no signs of blood. We got back into our car to move it away from the moving traffic.

I called the police. With the cars on the freeway driving next to us, it was very difficult to hear, but the police showed up very soon after. Since it didn’t seem like our car was part of the crash, we were told to leave before the lanes closed off.

We got back into the car and looked at each other. It was such a close call.

We were driving in Lane 2, right next to the fast lane on the freeway. The car in front of us stopped abruptly, and so did we, almost dropping our bags in the back seat on the floor. A three second long screech came soon after, followed by the sounds of the crash. The car behind us was not able to stop in time.

The car behind us swerved into the fast lane, missing our car but running into two other cars in the fast lane. The shoulder was fortunately wide enough for the car to spin without hitting our car. There didn’t seem to be any major injuries in the other cars, and we were so thankful to make it out without a scratch.

Had the car continued in the same lane, our car would have been crushed, but that was all out of our control.