Do You Speak My Language?

That’s not what I wanted. What you think I want is not what I actually want. We don’t speak the same language – the same love language, that is.

Everyone feels cared for or loved in different ways – some like receiving gifts, some value your acts of service, and some just simply want to spend more quality time together – and that’s what the 5 love languages is all about. Knowing how the other person feels loved can build a deeper and more meaningful relationship. If you’re a fan of personality tests, you’ll love this one too!

Here are my love languages, in order:

5. Physical Touch (Score: 1, 3%)
I am not so much the touchy-touchy type, which is probably why it ranked as my lowest love language! The last time someone gave me an unexpected pat on the shoulder, I’m sure they felt my heart jump a mile away because they immediately apologized for startling me.

4. Acts of Service (Score: 4, 13%)
I certainly do appreciate acts of service from others, but the reason this only ranks #4 is likely because I usually prefer to do things by myself. It’s not so much that I don’t want help, but more that when things don’t get done the way I wanted it, it sometimes ends up giving me even more work! What I do like is the act of offering to help, because that means you care and have good intentions.

3. Receiving Gifts (Score: 5, 17%)
My scores for receiving gifts and acts of service are actually really close (the first time I took the quiz, they were tied!). When it comes to gifts, I like gifts that are thoughtful – a gift that tells me you thought about what I would like and what I would want. It doesn’t even have to be an expensive gift! A nice and thoughtful gift is something I would cherish. I sometimes actually worry when someone says they’re getting me a gift – will they really get me something I want or like? 

2. Words of Affirmation (Score: 8, 27%)
A genuine compliment will make my day. I typically like compliments on things that I put in effort to do (not so much of the “that’s a nice shirt” kind of compliments). It shows that my hard work is appreciated and does not go unnoticed. It’s really the acknowledgement that is very satisfying to hear, and if you also comment on what it is that was done well, then it also gives me encouragement to do even better next time and confirmation that I’m doing something right!

1. Quality Time (Score: 12, 40%)
There’s nothing better than being able to spend quality time with your favorite people. Whether it is going for a walk at the park, doing an activity together, or just eating and having a great conversation, it will be another memorable bonding moment for the books. The time that you set aside out of your busy schedule cannot be replaced with anything else, and your undivided attention tells me that you value our relationship. Sometimes, it’s as simple as just being there, even if it means sitting there and doing nothing.

What’s your love language?