Chinese New Year Greetings (To Get Your Red Envelope!)

Chinese New Year is a time when lanterns are hung up everywhere you go, and new clothes are worn to welcome the start of a new year. My favorite part as a kid was learning different Chinese New Year greetings to say to friends and relatives – in return, I would get a red envelope! It was always very tempting to peek inside the red envelope to see how much was in there, but we were never allowed to open them until the 15th day. The workaround? A little flashlight! Does it still count as opening the red envelope if it stays sealed?

With red envelopes having different designs and sizes, my favorites are always the cute and pretty looking ones. Here are some (now empty) red envelopes I’ve collected over the years. Which design do you like the most?

Red Envelopes

As Chinese New Year begins this Friday, February 12th, below are some greetings to help you prepare for when you see your relatives and friends:

  • Happy New Year 新年快樂
  • Prosperity and Good Fortune 恭喜發財

Remember to start with Wishing you 祝你...

  • Good Health 身體健康
  • Spirit of the Dragon and Horse 龍馬精神
  • Surplus and Abundance Year After Year 年年有餘
  • Everything Goes as You Wish 萬事如意
  • May All Your Wishes Come True 心想事成
  • May Everything Go Smoothly 一帆風順
  • Good Luck and Good Profits 大吉大利
  • Good Fortune According to Your Wishes 吉祥如意
  • Abundance Wealth and Fortune 財源廣進
  • Prosperous Business 生意興隆
  • May Your Work Go Smoothly 工作順利
  • Success in Your Career 事業有成
  • Promotions at Every Step 步步高升
  • Academic Success 學業有成
  • Academic Progress 學習進步