Boxing For The Unboxing

The anticipation for a package in the mail is something that will keep me up at night, especially if what’s inside is a surprise. A t-shirt? A journal? Other swag? Any of that will get me excited. This time, I got to be on the other side, putting together a welcome package for campers attending CACCLC! You would think there isn’t much to look forward to because I already know what’s inside the box, but the best part is actually seeing the reactions of the campers receiving their packages.

What is CACCLC? CACCLC is the California Chinese Catholic Living Camp, made up of a vibrant community of young adults throughout California who meet annually for a camp over Labor Day Weekend! It’s one of the weekends I look forward to the most every year, and this is the first year it is going virtual! In the past, campers would receive a t-shirt, booklet, and swag when they arrive at the camp site, but since we’ll all be joining from home this year, the team is mailing out a welcome package!

CACCLC is less than a week away, and the welcome packages have been sent. In order to capture some of the reactions of campers, our team has asked a few campers to share a video of themselves opening the package. I’ve compiled the submissions into a fun short trailer, so let’s take a look at this welcome package!

CACCLC 2020 Welcome Package Unboxing Trailer

What’s the surprise of the welcome package? That’s a good question, because the campers already knew they were getting a welcome package with a t-shirt when they registered. What they didn’t know is everything else that we’ve included!

When the campers open the package, the first thing they will see is an envelope with their name handwritten on it. It comes with a letter addressed to them, welcoming them if it’s their first time, and saying hello again if it’s a returning camper.

Next up is a journal to jot down notes during the talks. The front cover has a beautifully designed sticker with this year’s theme, and the back has a sticker of the CACCLC logo. Both have been carefully applied to the journal so that every journal looks identical (for the most part)! Opening up the journal, there is a sticker set for decorating the journal and a double-sided door hanger to create a more peaceful atmosphere throughout camp…and beyond.

The most anticipated item is the camp t-shirt. Its soft and comfortable material is what everyone longs for in this annual collector’s item! Combined with this year’s camp souvenir – a reusable face mask with adjustable straps – this is already an amazing welcome package!

The swag doesn’t end here – dig a bit deeper through the packing peanuts and to find a candle for Adoration. This is perfect for setting a reflective mood, but please be safe – it’s a real candle!

Last, but definitely not the least, pick up that ramen for our camp tradition of late night instant ramen! Don’t forget to take a photo of your meal before putting it in your mouth!

Just thinking about this welcome package and watching the unboxing videos is enough to get me excited for virtual camp!