Bill’s Burgers

I finally got to try the place I’ve been hearing about all the time: Bill’s Burgers. I had driven to Bill’s Burgers around a year ago at lunch time and the wait was over 40 minutes! I was short on time and decided to go elsewhere. I had another opportunity to be in the area again, and this time, I was determined the try their burgers. There was only one person in line when I arrived.

There’s not too many items on the menu, and sadly, they don’t sell fries here. I ordered the double cheeseburger, which came with mayo, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onions, while my friend ordered the triple cheeseburger. We were so ready. We waited on the side and watched the staff flip the burgers. Bill was taking a break from flipping patties, but the patties still looked so tasty.

Our order was ready. I took my burger out of the brown bag and took a bite. Wow. The flavor and texture was delicious. The burger was still steaming, but not too hot that you can’t put it in your mouth. The meat to veggies ratio was balanced, and there wasn’t a single moment of me worrying that I need to bite into less of the meat so my bread isn’t left meatless at the end. By the end, I was debating on ordering a second burger. I wish I didn’t wait so long to try this burger.

Would I come here again? Definitely. This might be my new favorite burger place!