As the TVB Anniversary Awards (萬千星輝頒獎典禮) is being held this weekend, here’s my own list of top 5 dramas and songs of 2020!
1. Becoming You 甘心替代你 (劇集 “反黑路人甲” 插曲) – Vincent Wong 王浩信
2. Mortals Don’t Know About Love 凡人不懂愛 (劇集 “降魔的2.0” 插曲) – Hubert Wu 胡鴻鈞
3. Time After Time 似水流年 (劇集 “大醬園” 片尾曲) – Jinny Ng 吳若希
4. Little Lies 小謊言 (劇集 “那些我愛過的人” 主題曲) – Shiga 連詩雅
5. Feels Like Heaven 低谷天堂 (劇集 “使徒行者3” 插曲) – Raymond Lam 林峯/HANA菊梓喬
Other Favorites:
Opponent 對手戲 (劇集 “反黑路人甲” 片尾曲) – Stephanie Ho 何雁詩
The Longest Distance 最遠的距離 (劇集 “殺手” 片尾曲) – 吳若希 Jinny Ng
Flying Dreams 夢飛翔 (劇集“那些我愛過的人” 插曲) – Brian Tse 謝東閔/Joey Thye 戴祖儀
Watched: Come Home Love: Lo and Behold 愛·回家之開心速遞, Forensic Heroes 4 法證先鋒IV, Death By Zero 殺手, Life After Death 那些我愛過的人, Flying Tiger II 飛虎之雷霆極戰 (Shaw Brothers), The Witness 木棘証人, Airport Strikers 機場特警, Go! Go! Go! Operation C9 C9特工, Brutally Young 十八年後的終極告白, Ratman To The Rescue 過街英雄, On-Lie Game 迷網
Did not watch: Of Greed and Ants 黃金有罪, Handmaidens United 丫鬟大聯盟
5. Line Walker 3 使徒行者3

Both Line Walker 1 and 2 were so good that I rewatched them both to prepare for this drama! Line Walker 3 was the highly anticipated drama after Forensic Heroes 4 (which I also liked, but didn’t make my top 5) and lived up to the expectations!
4. The Dripping Sauce 大醬園

I never thought a period drama revolving around soy sauce could be so interesting. Every character has their own personal story to tell, and combined with the playful personalities of some of them, The Dripping Sauce leaves you wanting more at the end of every episode!
3. Legal Mavericks 2020 踩過界II

Legal Mavericks 2020 is a legal drama (one of my favorite genres) about a blind lawyer who fights for justice for the underprivileged. His perseverance to seek the truth rather than win his case in court is very inspiring,
2. The Exorcist’s 2nd Meter 降魔的2.0

Even before knowing there would be a sequel to The Exorcist’s Meter, I was already excited – I can still remember the very last scene of The Exorcist’s Meter from 2017, which was just the start of another mystery. The Exorcist’s Meter 2.0 was well worth the wait.
1. Al Cappuccino 反黑路人甲

Al Cappuccino is fresh, captivating, and absolutely hilarious. This drama is filled with action, emotions, and complicated relationships that keep you engaged throughout. If you only have time for one drama, this is the one I’d definitely recommend.
What are your top picks?