
Photos capture a moment in time. When you revisit the photo, you can almost remember exactly what happened at that very moment. Whether it is a photo of food or a photo of somewhere you’ve been, it brings back memories that can bring a smile to your face as you remember the smell, the taste, the sounds around you, or the funny story you just heard. That’s probably why I love taking photos – at some point in the future, I can look back and relive the moment and think about how much has changed or stayed the same.


Why even take photos of food? That’s a question I get asked a lot, and I feel like there’s more than one answer to it. To start off, I didn’t actually start taking photos of food until I was in college, when I would just randomly get allergic reactions! I started keeping track of what I was eating, but…having to write it down just took too much time. I figured that taking a photo would be much quicker and easier, and then it just became a habit. The photos of food then became more of something that I can show people when they ask me, what’d you eat yesterday? All I have to do is pull up the photo and show it, and they don’t even have to picture it in their heads! Another nice thing about taking photos of food (especially the super yummy dishes) is that sometimes I can just put up the photo on the big computer screen and scroll through and imagine the taste in my mouth – yummy!

My photo album is probably 85% food, and I really haven’t done much with them besides occasionally posting them on Facebook or Instagram. It’s about time I actually make more use of them and share them here with you! Hope your appetite is ready for some photos!


The thought of traveling and adventuring is very exciting. Just think of all the people you’ll meet or interact with, all the places you’ll see, and of course, all the different food you’ll eat! It’s something you don’t really experience in your everyday life as much.

Even if you just drive outside of your city, you might notice some small things that other people do or say differently because we all grew up in a different environment, but when you fly out of the country, there’s usually more of these learning opportunities. Something as simple as how people greet each other, or how eating food a certain way may be fine in one place but rude in another is just very interesting to me. When you travel, you really get to experience the different cultures and learn something new!

I have always dreamed of traveling around the world, but there was always an excuse not to: school, work, the cost, you name it. I am finally starting to travel a bit more, so why not keep track of where I’ve been?

“In life, it’s not where you go –
it’s who you travel with.”

– Charles M. Schulz

Whether it is with food or travel, the people you eat or go with are very important. Sometimes I would rather eat alone than eat with someone who would ruin a perfectly good meal! If you’ve never eaten alone before, you should really try it. It may sound lonely, but it’s really great and relaxing! No need to worry about having food in your mouth when it’s your turn to answer a question, or having to worry about how you should pace yourself so that whoever you’re eating with doesn’t just sit and watch you eat when they’re done. You truly get to enjoy the food and it’s great!

Solo traveling is something you have to try at least once! It can be very relaxing and rewarding. I was able to learn a lot from traveling on my own, and I can’t wait to do it again. One of the challenges of solo traveling is being able to get some photos with me actually in it (and not a selfie), but you never know – you might find a stranger who’s a great photographer that can help you capture your photo! Traveling with a friend has its highlights too – it’s more fun when you get to share the experience of traveling with another friend, as long as you are both on the same page about places you want to visit and eat at.

“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.”

– Winnie the Pooh