A Trio Dining Getaway – Little Tokyo

Not everything always goes as planned, and even when you’ve already parked and are walking to the restaurant you were planning to go to, plans can still change.

I was looking forward to trying out this restaurant in Little Tokyo the whole day. We had the whole adventure planned out – leave when all of our friends head out, check out this restaurant on our own, then rejoin our friends after. I had looked up the menu, thought about what to order, and prepared my stomach.

When it was time for dinner, my friends and I found a parking spot nearby, which was only less than a 10 minute walk away. We parked and headed towards the restaurant. Everything was going as planned. We crossed the street, walked a bit further, and as we walked by another parking lot, we spotted another restaurant: Sushi Gen.

So this is where Sushi Gen is? I had no idea we would walk by Sushi Gen – I’ve been wanting to try this place for so long! We kept walking around the block while looking back at the restaurant.

“I bet there’s not much of a wait right now. It’s barely opening for dinner,” my friend said.

We passed by the second entrance to the parking lot.

“Let’s check it out and see how long the wait is,” my friend said.

He walked into the restaurant and put down our names. There was around a half an hour wait. The three of us looked at each other. Should we wait?

We decided to give it a try. Across the restaurant was another place I’ve been wanting to try – Tea Master Matcha Cafe and Green Tea Shop. Since we had time before it was our turn for dinner, we got dessert first!

We each ordered a Matcha Soft Serve. We watched them make it fresh, and it was a pretty big cup for one person! I was so excited. We sat at the tables outside. I scooped my first bite. It was so soft and had such a creamy texture! The matcha flavor was delicious. They also sell tea and other accessories at the shop as well. The hojicha tea and powder caught my eye, but I’ll save those for my next visit. I can’t wait to try some of the other items on their menu!

It wasn’t too long after we finished our soft serve when our table for Sushi Gen was called. We were seated at a small table. The restaurant was not too big and the tables were closer to each other than a typical restaurant, but it was enough space for the three of us. I took a look at the menu. I knew I wanted to try the chirashi bowl, but should I get the regular one or the premium one?

I decided to go for the premium. I knew it would be quite some time before I find time to come here again, so I didn’t want to regret not ordering the Premium Chirashi Bowl. Plus, you have to treat yourself every once in awhile right? We also got the Fried Chicken as an appetizer for the table.

The miso soup came first and the rest of the food took some time to arrive, but the fried chicken came hot and tasty! The premium chirashi bowl came with a generous amount of fish and seafood! I wish there was more space in the bowl for me to easily eat the rice though. I kept having to move the sashimi around to reach the rice. The chirashi bowl was yummy and satisfying, and I was glad for the company and good food!

We rejoined our other friends after our little getaway.

“How was the food at the restaurant?” they asked.

We looked at each other. “It was great.”

When’s the next trio dining getaway?