A Perfect Day, Take 3

It’s time for Take 3 of A Perfect Day. What’s on the itinerary this time?

Here’s A Perfect Day, Take 3:


Sleep in until 9am and start off your day with a cup of cappuccino and toasted croissant!


Have a delicious chirashi bowl at The Brothers Sushi for lunch!


Check out The Broad and enjoy the contemporary art!


It’s snack time! Head to Sprouts for a roast beef sandwich (for only $4.99!) and grab a Green Thai Tea (easy ice, easy sweet with one shot of espresso) from 7 Leaves.


Fire up the grill for some tasty grilled teriyaki chicken! Mix together your own tasty salad, and enjoy your dinner with a Pink Mercedes!


Enjoy an ice cream flight served by your favorite ice cream man!

What’s your take on this perfect day?