A New Scent For May

There’s an event downstairs? Count me in!

This week, I got to choose my favorite bouquet of flowers and customize my very own fragrance! It was such an interesting experience checking out all the different scents and choosing the ones I like.

First, I had to choose the body:

  • Clean & Fresh
  • Dark & Spicy
  • Floral
  • Aromatic Woods

I was debating between the Floral and Aromatic Woods, but decided to go for the Aromatic Woods scent since it smelled more refreshing. After adding the body, there are three notes to add: top, middle, and base.

Top Notes (aka “Head Note”) – Introduction to your scent:

  • Fig (Green, Fresh and Grassy, Inspired by the Fall Fruit)
  • Pink Grapefruit (Youthful, Jubilant, Bright, Happy Pink Grapefruit)
  • Salt (Crisp, Briny Oceanic Accord)

For my top note, I added 5 drops of the Pink Grapefruit and 5 drops of the Salt. Both smelled so good I couldn’t decide! The Fig scent reminded me of some food that I couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it wasn’t a smell I would want to have as part of this fragrance.

Middle Notes (aka “Heart Note”) – Soul of your scent:

  • White Gardenia (Soft and Creamy, Hawaiian, White Floral)
  • Tea Rose (Crisp Green Rose)
  • Night Blooming Jasmine (Smooth, Sensual, White Floral)

I love jasmine tea and I thought I would love the Night Blooming Jasmine too, but surprisingly, this scent did not appeal to me very much! On the other hand, the White Gardenia was my favorite, so I added 10 drops of that.

Base Notes (aka “Drydown”) – Foundation of your scent:

  • Rich Vanilla (Sweet, Warm, and Delicious)
  • Classic Sandalwood (Woody, Meditational, Transportive)
  • Warm Leather (Deep, Sexy, Sophisticated, Very Powerful)

Rich Vanilla was easily my top choice for the base note. I added 10 drops for the base note, but realized afterwards that the scent was so strong I probably would’ve liked it even with only 5 drops!

What a fun experience! I am quite satisfied with this new scent I have created and can’t wait to test it out!