A perfect day, take 5! How many takes does it take for the perfect take?
3, 2, 1, Action!
Mmm..waking up to the sound and smell of coffee is always the best!

It’s shopping time! It is always so much fun looking at all the things I could buy and finding the best deals!

Imagine working at a company with a cafe for employees and their guest to eat at. Isn’t that amazing? I would come here for lunch every day if I could.

Explore the city or go to a museum…there’s so many things to see when you are up for an adventure!

Take a walk at a park by the harbour. You can enjoy the nice views while feeling the gentle breeze!

Hike to a peak to enjoy the sunset!

A perfect day cannot be complete without sushi! Order some sushi and savor every bite. Make it even more special with some DIY handrolls!

Dessert ends up in another stomach right?

Wind down with some board games and hot tea!

What’s your take on this perfect day?