Naptime, Anytime

Happy National Public Sleeping Day! There are days when we just wish someone would schedule naptime into our day, just like how it was in preschool. It may seem tough to squeeze in a nap here and there, but here are some ideas to sneak in a short nap if you’re out of the house!

  • If you take public transportation and there’s a good chunk of time before you get off, pull down your hood and close your eyes or put on some sunglasses! Make sure to set an alarm clock if you’re afraid of missing your stop.
  • Head to the library and find that comfy spot in the corner. Have a book open on your lap, sit back, and relax! Just try not to snore.
  • The seat that nobody will walk by in the computer lab is the best spot. Put your head down, put on your hood, and nobody will come bothering you for the rest of your nap. You might just find your classmate watching you when you wake up.
  • Tinted windows on your car means it’s a great spot to take a nap, unnoticed. Who’s going to come peeking in your car to see if you’re napping there?
  • If you’re stuck in the classroom doing your own work (not during a lesson), lean forward, look down on your paper with your pencil in one hand, and put your head on your other hand so that your fingers shield your eyes. It’ll just look like you’re thinking, but may take some time to get used to balancing your head.

Ready for a nap?