2024.04.08 The Solar Eclipse

So many people had traveled to another part of the country to see the total solar eclipse – when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth and blocks the sun from our view – while I stayed exactly where I was. It was just another normal day for me until a friend walked by with a paper plate.

“Do you want to see the solar eclipse?”

“Sure, why not?”

He had a hole in his paper plate, and held it up to the sun. He pointed at the shadow – we were able to see a projection of the sun with the moon blocking part of it!

We also tried to take a photo of the sun, but the window was too dirty and could only see reflections from the lens.

As we were admiring the shadows from the paper plate, someone walked over with eclipse glasses. I tried them on. It was SO dark! I was able to look at the sun with the eclipse glasses! It looked so cool. I was also able to take a photo through the glasses.

Since I had never really paid much attention to the past solar eclipses, this was a really cool experience. From first looking at the shadow through a paper plate to looking through the eclipse glasses, it just got better and better. I am excited for the next one! Maybe I’ll travel somewhere to see the total solar eclipse too.